Cambridge AS/A Levels Course Outline
Cambridge International AS is a course that typically lasts one year, while the International A Level lasts two years. Students can usually choose from 55 subjects, allowing them to study the subjects they enjoy most and wish to explore further. In this program, students develop a deep knowledge of the subjects they study, as well as essential skills such as critical thinking.
LIS integrates AS Level programme into its curriculum offering in Forms 11 and 12 of Upper Secondary Education, as a two-year programme.
The Cambridge International A Level program at LIS is a two-year program too, taught in the Forms 11 and 12. During this program, students will study four subjects. Each subject will follow the guidelines of Cambridge Assessment International Education and will have a two-year teaching load, equal to or greater than 360 instructional hours.
A subject completed with a passing grade at Cambridge International AS Level is awarded one credit, while a passing grade at Cambridge International A Level is awarded two credits.
AICE Diploma
Students also have the opportunity to complete the Cambridge AICE Diploma, which consists of AS & A Level subjects. This diploma is a certificate that requires students to study one compulsory subject, Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, in addition to other Cambridge International AS & A Level subjects drawn from three curriculum areas: Mathematics and Sciences (Group 1), Languages (Group 2), and Arts and Humanities (Group 3). There is also the option to study interdisciplinary subjects (Group 4).
To obtain the Cambridge AICE Diploma, students must earn a minimum of seven credits (including Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research) from subject groups 1, 2, and 3 (and optionally from Group 4) to receive the diploma. Students must earn at least one credit from each of Groups 1, 2, and 3. The remaining credits can come from any of the groups. A subject completed with a passing grade at Cambridge International AS Level is awarded one credit. A subject completed with a passing grade at Cambridge International A Level is awarded two credits.
Mock Exams
Students will undergo exam simulations in two different phases: in January of the 11th Grade (Form 11) and in January of the 12th Grade (Form 12).
The purpose of these exams is to familiarise students with examination procedures and regulations as well as to help them assess their own knowledge and, as a result, build an effective study plan.
Past AS & A Level exam papers will be used, and grades will be assigned according to the grading criteria of this qualification.
AS/A Level Examinations
Students will take the final exams at the end of the AS & A Level courses. The exam papers will be prepared by Cambridge Assessment International Education, and the school will only administer the exams. All the papers will then be sent to the examiners at Cambridge Assessment International Education for grading.
The final results of the AS & A Level program will be communicated to the students in August of the year of the final exam, on a date specified by Cambridge Assessment International Education.
Portuguese Equivalences
The granting of equivalence to the 12th grade of the Portuguese Education System depends on:
The successful completion of a foreign qualification legally equivalent to the 10th grade (e.g., at least 6 IGCSE subjects – Form 10 – with grades equal to or higher than 'C' (standard pass) on the Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) grading scale from 'A*' to 'G'), and
The attainment of a minimum of three AS Level subjects (Form 11), and
The AICE Diploma or three A Level subjects (Form 12) from the General Certificate of Education – GCE A Level.
AS &
Form 11 - 12
by Cambridge Assessment International Education
At LIS we offer the AICE diploma, a group award diploma of Cambridge University.
To meet the requirements of the Diploma, students must enroll in at least seven credits, with the subject of Global Perspectives & Research (AS-Level) being compulsory. The remaining six credits are chosen from the following subject groups:
Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences;
Group 2: Languages;
Group 3: Arts and Humanities;
Group 4: Interdisciplinary Subjects (optional)
Some universities around the world will require students to have 3 A -Levels. At LIS students are able to do it.
Group 0: Cambridge Global Perspectives (compulsory)
Global Perspetives & Research
Group 1: Mathematics and Sciences
Computer Science*
Environmental Management
Information Technology
Group 2: Languages
English Language
Spanish Language
French Language
Group 3: Arts and Humanities
Art and Design
Literature in English*
Environmental Management
Group 4: Interdisciplinary Subjects
English General Paper
Thinking Skills
*Available if more than 7 students
As a Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) Center, LIS offers the possibility to write examinations in all subjects in two distinct sessions: October/November and May/June.
For more information regarding dates and times of examinations please check the CIE website.
And now….
Time for questions
The student needs to obtain a grade from A* to C in a minimum of 6 subjects at the end of Form 10, in the IGCSE Programme.
The Cambridge AICE Diploma is an international pre-university curriculum and examination system that emphasises the value of broad and balanced study.
Designed for post-16 study, the Cambridge AICE Diploma demands knowledge of a variety of subjects from three different groups:
Mathematics and Sciences
Arts and Humanities.
To earn the Cambridge AICE Diploma, students must take a minimum of seven credits. One of these must be Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives & Research, while the remaining six are chosen from Subject Groups 1 (Mathematics and Science), Group 2 (Languages), and Group 3 (Arts and Humanities), and optionally from Group 4 to receive the Diploma.
Students must earn at least one credit from each of the Groups 1, 2, and 3. The remaining credits can come from any of the Groups.
Each subject is offered at AS or A levels. One AS subject represents one credit, while an A-level subject represents two credits.
Having ensured that a Pass is achieved in each of the three subject areas and in Global Perspectives and Research, the point score is calculated based on the Global Perspectives result plus the best six results from the other credits:
A* = 140 points
A = 120 points
B = 100 points
C = 80 points
D = 60 points
E = 40 points
A = 60 points
B = 50 points
C = 40 points
D = 30 points
E = 20 points
An A Level (being a double credit) can count for a maximum of 140 points, an AS for 60 points, with a sliding scale depending on the grade achieved.
The maximum point score is 420 and any score of less than 140 for the Cambridge AICE Diploma will be reported as a Cambridge AICE Diploma failure.
The Cambridge AICE Diploma point score, calculated by Cambridge International, is converted to the Portuguese Ensino Secundário grading system, by the Direção Geral de Educação, ex:
AICE 140 > 12º ano 10,0
AICE 320 > 12º ano 16,4
AICE 420 > 12º ano 20,0
The AICE Diploma requires passes in at least seven credits. Each Cambridge International AS Level counts as one full credit. A Cambridge International A Level counts as a double credit qualification. For example, students could offer three International A Levels, or two International A Levels with two International AS Levels. There are many more valid combinations of examinations, but at least one International AS/A Level pass must come from each of the three curriculum areas.
Students who have access to Cambridge Pre-U Global Perspectives & Independent Research (Pre-U GPR) can also use entries for this subject to contribute to the award.
Yes, the LIS Team guides students on subject choices, as well as regarding the National Exams requirements of specific university courses, both in Portugal and abroad.
Cambridge International qualifications are accepted by universities all around the world but Admission policies and procedures can vary significantly depending on how each country adapts Cambridge qualifications to their own national system of secondary education.
In Portugal, students apply to university using the “Ensino Secundário” classification and the results of subject-specific exams, called “Provas de Ingesso”, depending on the degree programme they wish to study at University.
Three Cambridge International A Levels or the Cambridge AICE Diploma are considered equivalent to the Portuguese “12º ano de escolaridade do Ensino Secundário” (end of Secondary Education).
The Portuguese “Provas de Ingesso” are substituted by the homologous subject Cambridge International AS or A Level exam.
LIS will guide our graduating students through every step of their university application process and in obtaining all the relevant equivalencies.