What you add after “I AM” are the most important words that will shape your life.
At LIS, we want to enable children to use big-hearted and bold words when they say who they are.
I am
I see the world as a fascinating place and life as a gift. I like to explore possibilities and to discover new ways of learning, doing and being.
I am
I believe in myself. I choose bold dreams for my life. By giving myself permission to grow, I can be the best version of myself and I can show the way for others to do the same.
I am
I expect challenges and discomfort and I believe that with determination and a positive attitude, I can overcome any obstacle and achieve the goal.
I am
I am aware of my impact on others. Through individual kindness and accountability we are collectively creating a better world for all of us. I am both generous and kind, as well as honest and direct in order to enable the best to emerge from our interactions.
I am
I know I don’t know it all. I believe I can always improve. I learn daily, from books and research, from experiences and actions and especially from the people around me, young or old.