
Reception - Form 5

a Cambridge Primary Years Programme

  • LIS prides itself on delivering an excellent education in English based on the Cambridge Curriculum.

    Our teachers prepare our students to speak and write fluently in order to communicate their ideas and emotions to others. By putting a strong emphasis on reading and listening, we aim to ensure that they acquire an extensive vocabulary, an understanding of grammar, and a knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and the spoken language.

    At LIS we offer a Second Language English Programme for children that are not native English speakers or who have not previously been taught in an English-medium school.

  • LIS aims to create opportunities for its students, and therefore, despite it not being part of the Cambridge Primary Programme, the curriculum for these years will also include First Language Portuguese.

    In this subject, LIS will follow the Portuguese National Curriculum and will place a firm emphasis on the development of oral expression, vocabulary, reading skills, writing skills including spelling, grammar, and language structure.

    At LIS we offer a Second Language Portuguese Programme for children that are not native Portuguese speakers or who have not previously been taught in a Portuguese-medium school.

  • The Cambridge Primary Mathematics Programme is complemented by the philosophy that students need to acquire a solid understanding of concepts through opportunities to develop problem-solving skills. AT LIS we are following. At Leiria International School, we’ve seamlessly incorporated Singapore Math into our Cambridge curriculum. Whenever possible, mathematical skills are reinforced and applied in other areas, particularly in Science, Music, and Digital Literacy.

  • In the Cambridge Primary Science Programme, students will have the opportunity to explore Life Sciences, Earth Sciences and Physical Sciences. Science classes promote content-specific information and basic knowledge through investigations and hands-on activities.

    The Global Perspectives Programme develops research, analysis, evaluation, reflection, collaboration, and communication skills. This program strengthens the links between English as a First or a Second language, Geography, History, and Science. The program is organized into six units (Challenges) and addresses various topics such as ecology, emigration, and the world of work. This program gives students the opportunity to study Geography and History, developing varied skills such as map-reading and evaluating evidence. For the purposes of the curriculum, the subjects of Global Perspectives and Science are taught together and under the name Global Perspectives and Science.

  • Visual & Performing Arts

    Digital Literacy and Code

    Social-Emotional Learning

    Physical Education







Curious • Courageous • Resilient • Connected • Learner •

LIS Clubs

Our LIS Club Programme is very inclusive.

Each term during the academic year, students from Reception to Form 5 can choose different activities to explore their creativity and develop skills in their area of choice.

These activities are included in the tuition fees and are scheduled from 3:00 to 3:40 PM.

CCA Programme

(After 4:25 pm)

Our Co-Curricular Activities Programme is very inclusive. We want to provide our students with challenging and satisfying experiences in different areas like arts, music, science, and sports.

Please be aware that these activities are not included in the tuition fees.